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Posted by RLPA

December 17, 2018

NRL and RLPA finalise player agent scheme

The National Rugby League (NRL), Rugby League Players Association (RLPA) and player agents have finalised a scheme that will see 109 player agents registered by the NRL and RLPA.

The scheme brings agents under the NRL rules for the first time, with the RLPA responsible for the management and administration of the scheme and the NRL responsible for the rules and any disciplinary processes.

A new board will oversee the scheme, with representatives from the NRL, RLPA and player agents included.  The board will be chaired by Andrew Coleman, SC.

Central to the scheme is:

  • Improved accreditation processes for agents;
  • Increased services to players;
  • An enhanced Code of Conduct;
  • Greater accountability for agents, and;
  • Improved regulation of the industry

RLPA Chief Executive, Ian Prendergast said the reforms were welcome and that the scheme would help ensure that players receive representation and services from agents that reflect the professionalism of the modern game.

“Agents play a crucial role in supporting players and these changes are aimed at making sure they are treated as genuine stakeholders,” he said.

“With the RLPA now managing and administrating the new scheme, we look forward to working more closely with accredited agents and driving improved engagement, information sharing and professional development.”

NRL Chief Operating Officer, Nick Weeks said the new scheme would bring agents under the NRL rules, in the same way as players and club officials.

He said that, until now, the NRL had little power to deal with agents who failed to act in the best interests of their players and the game.

“Clubs will only be able to deal with accredited agents under the new scheme,” he said.

“Agents will come under the NRL rules for the first time, and that means agents will be held accountable in the same way as players and club officials.

“Equally, we hope this scheme will make our agents system more professional and that can only be a good thing for the game.”

A spokesperson for the Rugby League Player Agents Association said the reform was required.

“We look forward to working closely with both the NRL and RLPA going forward to ensure players are provided with the best possible representation.”

Player agents that have not transitioned to the new scheme will not be permitted to negotiate player contracts with clubs.

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